The printing of this Oval BB cream tube surprise me, how natural and real the girls is! That' why Auber are always confident with our tubes printiing. When we recieve your tube design, we are ready to offer the high quality tubes and best suggestion to you, and we have to say that all of our tube material are imported and our workers for printing are very professional with over 10 years experience. So please feel free to talk with Auber for any aspects about Oval BB cream tubes.
The cosmetic packaging includes many different types, here will be one oval tube for BB cream. The girls on it are vivid and clear, arent they? They are not CMYK but offset printing on a white plastic tube. See, for some patterns, Auber can still print them well on squeeze tubes without using the laminated tubes. Actually as the manufacturer for packaging tube, Auber can produce the tube packaging with multiple solutions to match with your requests. Moreover, we can also custom the oval tubes in multiple oval degrees. Besides of the tube customization, we can also provide the caps in different decos to match the tubes. Share your ideas with Auber if you want to custom the tube packaging.
Yes, pay a small amount of PPS cost, and we will send the PPS once finished. Moreover, if finally it become the orders and nothing need to change & no second time PPS, the PPS cost will be refunded from the order amount.
Start to customize the cosmetic tube packaging
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