The silver area of this Aluminum Plastic Toothpaste Tubes is not the printing color or sliver hot stamping, it's just the orignal metal color of the aluminum laminated sheet! Some clients like this orignal metal color very much, sometimes it can replace the silver hot stamping when the other places were fully printed. This case is used for toothpaste which the client want the specific tube head and cap style.
Aluminum Barrier Laminate Tubes are firstly used for toothpaste to replace the collapsible aluminum tubes with its better resilience and can be delivered during long trip better. Now Aluminum Barrier Laminate Tubes are widely used for acrylic paint tube, hand cream, face cleanser, make-up foundation, sunscreen, jam and ointment packaging, etc. Auber packaging is an ISO certified OEM/ODM packaging manufacturer since 2004, and we can print the ABL tubes with excellent CMYK printing and also customize the tube shapes, colors, tube heads & applicators per your demands.
Product Information
Aluminum Barrier Laminated sheet
What decorations can be used for toothpaste tubes?
Any decorations available on tube packaging will be ok.
From D19mm to D40mm
Start to customize the cosmetic tube packaging
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